Is it worth paying for a website content writer?

Is a website copywriter worth the investment? Should you hire one?

Since the introduction of AI and tools like ChatGPT business owners are increasingly asking themselves whether they need to hire a website content writer.

The answer is yes. In fact, it’s more critical than ever.

To explain my answer, let’s start with a simple question:

What’s the purpose for your website?

Generally, there are two primary reasons for having a website:

  1. To find customers online

  2. To build a strong brand presence

To succeed in both of these goals, you need carefully constructed content that will give your website the foundations to rank in search engines and turn traffic into sales.

The problem with tools like ChatGPT is that it can only provide regurgitated content. So, it’s not unique. It won’t give you an edge over your competition, and it won’t build credibility for your brand.

Why hire a website content writer?

Website content writers know how to sell your products & services.

Yes, you’ve founded an incredible business. You understand your goals, where you want to head and what your business is about. But there’s a knack to writing web content that keeps visitors engaged – it’s not enough to just ‘off-load’ your knowledge. A good website copywriter recognises that you’re a fundamental part of the process and we’ll use your knowledge to help us make important decisions about your content. As business owners, you often live and breathe what you do – and you can become blind when it comes to writing about it. A copywriter brings a fresh perspective.

We have a copywriting background. We’ve spent years writing across different mediums, for different industries, targeting different audiences. We know people and how to get through to them. This involves using the right angles, language and writing styles to trigger certain emotional responses. That comes through experience and witnessing what works and what doesn’t.

We understand website structure and navigation.

Web designers will often refer you to a content writer first. This is because we understand that a website’s structure is often determined by the layout of content. We organise content in the most effective way to promote your products and services. Which pages and subpages to include and how to categorise them using the easiest and quickest form of navigation.

A special promotion or product may need its own page or it makes sense to incorporate it alongside other products and services. This depends on search engine optimisation, practicality, strength of message and visibility. A website copywriter knows how to structure information to achieve the best results.

We’re skilled at SEO.

What’s the point of having a website if it can’t be found in search engines? Search engine optimisation is a nurtured skill. Google is constantly developing and improving its algorithms. As website copywriters, we keep our finger on the pulse, updating our SEO skills and making sure we’re aware of changes.

We know how to find the keywords that will drive the most business to your website. Keyword research involves using the latest, most accurate tools to look up search volumes and competition levels. Sometimes, it’s not about going for the obvious keywords. It’s about finding longer, more targeted keywords that give your website a higher chance of ranking and, most importantly, drive conversions.

We get how to structure urls, titles, text and headlines to optimise each page for search engines. And how to write page descriptions that will encourage people to click through to your website.

I’ve seen the results and believe me – SEO is one of the best investments for your website.

We know how to separate you from your competition.

This is often something people forget about. I have known clients to steal content and concepts from competitors, re-angle it and publish it on their own websites. The problem here is, how will your business and brand stand out? What will separate you from your competition? How can you position yourself as an industry leader if your content and ideas aren’t original?

A website copywriter will check out the websites of your major competition then find a fresh angle that’s stronger, more effective and – the best part – completely unique to you. You don’t want to shadow your competition – you want to dominate them.

We know how to use words that sell, but we’re not salespeople.

There’s an art to applying the right words and tone to make people feel comfortable and in safe hands, so that they’re willing to invest in your products and services. Come across too salesy and people tend to doubt your sincerity. As copywriters, we know how to build trust through words. It’s about being open, genuine, positive and 100% aligned with your brand values. It’s not an easy thing to do, and many people get it wrong.


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